Disadvantage of non formal education
Disadvantage of non formal education

disadvantage of non formal education disadvantage of non formal education

In a way, this is understandable, as adult education programmes have a relatively long history in India. A cursory review of all researchers in the area of non-formal education conducted in India reveals that more than 50 per cent of them are in the area of adult education. In line with the above broad classification, researches in non-formal education can also be looked at as belonging to three categories. In fact, it is this set of activities which has gained the specific connotation among professionals in India as non-formal education. The third set of activities are exclusively in the area of elementary education. This represents an omnibus set of educational activities related to different developmental sectors which are undertaken by government as well as nongovernmental organizations. A second set of activities which are also largely meant for adults cuts across sectoral barriers as they include agricultural extension activities, family welfare promotion activities, general awareness development programmes and so on. One is the area of adult education, which clearly falls within the broad framework of non-formal education, considering its objectives and methodology of organization and implementation. Looking at the total gamut of activities in the sphere of non- formal education in India, one can classify them in three categories. However, seen from another perspective, nonformal education refers to India's programmes for achieving universal elementary education through part-time programmes for children of school-going age. In this sense, it falls within the definition given by Joan Harbison. Viewed from a broad perspective, non-formal education activities would include a large variety of programmes operating in different sectors of life such as health, agriculture, family welfare, and literacy development. In India, non-formal education has to be seen in two contexts. 2 The Link between Formal and Non Formal Learningįormal education organisations are increasingly recognising non formal learning in assessment processes such as recognition of prior learning, or recognition of informal learning.1.2 Non-formal Elementary Education in India.

Disadvantage of non formal education